witches among us


Sun 2.19.23

      Although smaller and weaker, woman has power over the much stronger man.  She has mesmerized him, and can entice him to take a bite of the proverbial apple expressly forbidden by his patriarchal god.  The beautiful Helen is said to be responsible for the Trojan War and the ten-year siege of Troy.  Bitches, troublemakers, heretics, said the church, witches.  Is it any wonder, we are directed to hide our heads, hair, hands, feet, breasts and most assuredly, genitals!

      What is a witch?  I define a witch as a woman who has achieved her own feminine power in an authoritarian male oriented world.  Many women are witches and don’t know it, nor would they identify as such.  As the Wizard of Oz informed us there are good witches and then there are the bitches on wheels. Hillary Clinton is a witch.  Wikipedia describes their power as: “involv[ing] the use of intent to manipulate environmental energy in order to affect change in favor of the practitioner.”  It is a way of being in the world in which one pays attention to, and taps into the world’s spirit force rather than societal power dynamics.  This energy overrides the dominant culture, and its values, religious or secular.  It’s a more instinctual, intuitive approach to apperception, then a logico/rational way of integrating knowledge.  Having inherited or married into one’s power disqualifies one from the witches’ coven. As they say, That you hurt no one, do as you please.

      Witches obey their own self-imposed rules and manipulate rest.  The ability to create magic requires that one separate oneself from society, that one be firm in one’s beliefs, words, and actions.  It requires commitment to a separate reality, to a higher purpose, beyond one’s immediate needs, beyond society’s approbations.   It is to make of one’s mind and body a directed force.

      Of course men can equally tap into this power and do so, but to a lesser degree as society frowns on it, unmanly.  I consider the women below to be witches, knowingly and not, good or bad, in no particular order or ranking.  

Oprah Winfrey

Georgia Meloni

Nancy Pelosi


Christine Legarde

Ursula von der Leyen

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Martha Stewart

Kris Kardashian and her girls

Who’s on your list?