

June 14, 2021


     At some point in human history, we were infiltrated by aliens from the planet Uranus.  They walk among us; you’ve met and had dealings with them without recognizing them as such.  Their attempts at mimicking human behavior is over the top.  They behave like immature peevish brats who cause endless trouble.

     There is something about these pompous, punctilious Uranians that just begs to be skewered, to deflate that out-of-control ego.


I was asked this week by such an alien and so feel compelled to respond.  What have you done to merit this elevated opinion of yourself?  Mistreating and cheating people is not the correct answer. 


Oh god, much, much worse.  Every nasty deed you’ve done, every sleazy deal you’ve pulled is written on your sullen face and slouching gait.  It’s the price Spirit elicits for a lifetime of dirty deeds on the planet Earth.  The human face does not lie, nor does the body.

      One can spot these users and takers among us; as they get older the face becomes set in a crabby, entitled expression and the upper body hunches forward, hungry, hungry.  Selling one’s soul to the devil is expensive.

     They are pretentious, immature, narcissistic fools with an elevated opinion of themselves, an opinion totally without merit.  The aliens are manipulators who seek out the angry, dispossessed, the weak to manipulate. They seem to think that conspiring and gossiping with others is friendship.  Completely dependent on others, they rightly fear someone they can’t control.  Having never loved a human being and never truly been loved, they do not love their work, their possessions, or themselves for that matter.

     Speaking with one of them leads any encounter down to the lowest level that carries a person to a place within themselves they would rather not go to. Everybody knows them for what they are, unscrupulous and contemptuous.  They delight in humiliating others, and so are cheated mercilessly, the thought being, best do it to them before they do it to you. So conceited and vain, they pretend they haven’t been screwed, or they will go to the other extreme and put on a victim routine that is worthy of an Italian opera, and the lies, lies, lies, that are converted to Uranus reality whose culture they carry in their head.

     They are ignorant by choice, and therefore play the fool.  These insecure aliens are gluttons for approval, trying to illicit sympathy from any person they come in contact with.

     These are the clues, I’m sure you’ll be able to recognize and identify them for who and what they are.  But keep in mind the Uranians have been with us for a couple of centuries and there’s been a lot of inbreeding so there’s a bit of Uranian in all of us.


The favorite posting last month was My Kid Sister