the seeress


Sun 5.16.21  

I am a seeress, have dedicated my life to understanding myself and the universe I am privileged to participate in.  I was from an early age what is called "psychic."  Being psychic is no great advantage in life, but understanding and interacting with the forces of the cosmos is what I devote myself to.  We humans, like our fellow animals and all sentient beings are very limited intellectually and cannot possibly grasp the cosmic universe we inhabit.

We make up stories to have some control over this colossal phenomenon.  I see the universe as imbued with a certain energy; and what I have learned about this energy, which I call the Spirit, and see as a spiritual force, is that it has rules.  Some of these rules are similar to those espoused by religions, but some others are definitely not.  Bottom line, the rule comes down to impeccability; acting in the most efficacious way, without error or fault in all one's undertakings causes one to become aligned with the Spirit.  One is eliminating unnecessary and counterproductive energy that is injurious to self and others.  I am not talking about morality, far from it.  Being impeccable is not to society's advantage.

Culture for the many countries of the world, and the more complex, the more enslaved to its rule one becomes, shape our lives to an extent that without them we would not survive.  They have taken their citizens' energy and those of the planet earth to survive to grow.  Is that good, or evil?  That is not for me to say, because in fact there is no good or bad, there is just energy that works to one's advantage or does not.

I am an animal, a human being along with others, bears, tigers, fluttery hummingbirds, and it is my duty to maintain strength, dignity and purpose.  The task is to vanquish society’s inexorable hold of one’s time to allow what I call Spirit, for the energy, the power that rules our lives to enter, which is a Sisyphean labor and takes a lifetime.

One is born into a society that has named and explained all of the world’s phenomena including oneself.  What cannot be named or explained does not exist.   Most accommodate to this worldview and see no reason to challenge it.  Yet, something is off-balance, a frustrated yearning.  It is in fact the part of self that modern society has no use for.  It is absorbed through the process of socialization.  Fear is the enemy that keeps that part of seIf closed off for the entirety of one’s life.  

I see conflict in this, one either submits or attains Spirit awareness.  Therefore, I must choose wisely before engagement.   Is this worth staking my life on?  Because defeat is death by a thousand cuts.  It will weaken a person to a point where it will destroy them spiritually, emotionally, psychically, and in time, physically.

Once the line is crossed, opposition is not a person or situation, but fear, fear of the unexplainable, the unnamed.  There is no language in that world. simply awareness.


The favorite posting last month was Eviction