the pagans



Spiritual Power


Moontime is a time to retreat to meditate

to understand this power,

and to draw it from our Mother.

-- Lakota Spiritualiy

Sun 2.25.24

 The folks at ChatGPT changed their mind about putting me on the payroll.  I can’t imagine why?  I did go to that graduate school they admired so.  Perhaps it was the resumé they asked for, (  I’m talking about that business with the witches and the shaman.  Shamans are probably OK, since some are university professors, but the vision quest and the four day fast?  A believer, undoubtedly.  Witches?  No, that’s over the edge.  Women who consider themselves witches are not part of mainstream America, ah well.

Let me introduce you to a famous American witch, Starhawk who in the picture at bottom is speaking at Harvard, having been invited by Harvard’s Divinity School.  I came to know Starhawk through her famous book The Spiral Dance, a how-to book for witches about connecting with the planet earth, and how to make one’s life richer, to imbue it with the power and sacredness inherent in it.

After the vision quest I sought out people like Starhawk in an effort to not lose or diminish the experience I had undergone.  I signed up for a week-end conference she held in Massachusetts and it was there that I understood my psychic abilities were real and confirmed with Starhawk.  Psychic people, that is true psychics, perceive each other immediately.  Perceive, as in, to grasp mentally, to become aware, to recognize. I knew this woman had power as I did.  

The shaman, Michael Harner taught me how to focus my energy to read people and situations and to enhance it within me.  Michael was an anthropologist who worked with the Jivaro people of the Peruvian Amazon.  It is they who opened his mind through the ingestion of hallucinogens to the second attention and the real world.

These were good, gentle people with knowledge:

Starhawk is an American feminist and author. She is known as a theorist of feminist neopaganism and ecofeminism. In 2013, she was listed in Watkins' Mind Body Spirit magazine as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. Wikipedia

Michael James Harner was [yes, he died unfortunately] an anthropologist, educator and author. His 1980 book, The Way of the Shaman: a Guide to Power and Healing, has been foundational in the development and popularization of core shamanism as a New Age path of personal development for adherents of neoshamanism. Wikipedia

What use could we have of such a person, thought the Chatters.  How would she interact with others?  No that wouldn’t work,  she’s too far out.

That’s good.  We all need to find our own niche, and that obvioulsly, was not mine.

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Manhattan Seeress  Cover copy.jpg

Eight o'clock Sunday morning, the police arrive at her apartment in Greenwich Village, "How long have you been living here?" The roommate Elizabeth, after having accepted her half of the deposit money and rent for their new apartment, has called the police. 

New York City doesn’t open its arms to welcome her, but she’s arrived and the adventure of her life is about to unfold.  She’s come from Maine with an invitation from Sarah Lawrence College to participate in the graduate writing program.

How one becomes a seeress is what this memoir explores. Stories have been specifically selected to illustrate, from the sublime to the practical, a spiritual journey introduced in each chapter by an atout, the Tarot’s major archetypes.   From the Fool, to The World, our human journey with its risk and folly unfolds. There is also an artist here alive to her new world seeking inspiration among artists on the Lower East side, learning the ways and foods of her Chinese neighbors, falling in love.