the housewife’s


Sun 1.7.24

       I’ve been a housewife since the age of 17-18.  Wherever I go I set up house.  It may be a camp in the woods, a two-bedroom house, a studio in Harlem, the Upper East Side, or a house in a small New England coastal town, and I’m very neat.  Everything has its place, an unmade bed is quickly straightened out.  I like my home to proffer comfort and beauty, a place of intimacy and warmth, inviting.  Building the nest is a serious endeavor.  Women’s work.  Yes, of course, it’s no easy task.  Within that home inhabitants are respectful, one is allowed to be.  It’s been so since the beginning of time.  Think of the cave dwellers, of course women were the ones who figured to plant seeds and set up gardens.  Some smart cookie observing while nursing the child how it worked out, like growing a baby in your stomach.  The home, that structure in which civility prevails is the model we have and use for setting up communities.  The United States, for instance, is our larger home.  Now look at the criteria I’ve established for the dwelling I live in and consider our governmental home.  Is that what’s happening here?  Are we treated respectfully or are we identified as white, black, brown, yellow.  I don’t want to be white.  I don’t want that burden.  You started it,  you heartless mothers and fathers who’ve pitted us against one another.  If the people are racist, you encouraged and fed it.  

The most important members in our family are the children, and by extension their mothers, else we die off.  Are the children nurtured in America or are they prey to the sexually depraved, the elite.  Are America’s Mom and Dad feeding them porn magazines and books in the school library, while teachers instruct them on the benefits of gender reassignment?  Isn’t that creating havoc in our home?

The good housewife marshalls the home’s finances always with the intention of strengthening the family, ensuring its future stability.  Is America’s future stability strengthened by bombing Russia’s pipeline or have we created an enemy of a strong and powerful country?  Have Mom and Dad rendered us bankrupt by incurring more debt then can ever be satisfied, while the country goes to ruin and its people abandoned when in dire need of help?  Think of the Hawaiians with their $700 check after losing their home and all their possessions.

Are the mothers and fathers in DC getting rich taking money from those outside the family?  Have we reached a point where we acknowledge that our house is corrupt, that we are not respected or appreciated, our needs are not fulfilled, that our country is obsessed with power, to such a degree that its most valued asset, its source of power, its people, we who provide the funds, the expertise, the strong back, the caring heart, are abused or neglected?  Have our elected parents, in their lust for power, committed the unpardonable sin of genocide, slaughtered thousands upon thousands families of Palestinian people in a bid to control the Middle East?  The problem with war, comes down to chicanery.  Nothing is ever ever gained from it, there is always payback. It is the chosen weapon of a weak bully treading on the defenseless.



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Manhattan Seeress  Cover copy.jpg

Eight o'clock Sunday morning, the police arrive at her apartment in Greenwich Village, "How long have you been living here?" The roommate Elizabeth, after having accepted her half of the deposit money and rent for their new apartment, has called the police. 

New York City doesn’t open its arms to welcome her, but she’s arrived and the adventure of her life is about to unfold.  She’s come from Maine with an invitation from Sarah Lawrence College to participate in the graduate writing program.

How one becomes a seeress is what this memoir explores. Stories have been specifically selected to illustrate, from the sublime to the practical, a spiritual journey introduced in each chapter by an atout, the Tarot’s major archetypes.   From the Fool, to The World, our human journey with its risk and folly unfolds. There is also an artist here alive to her new world seeking inspiration among artists on the Lower East side, learning the ways and foods of her Chinese neighbors, falling in love.