the galaxies


Sun 1.30.22


      Snow, snow, snow and hurricane type winds blowing it about like crazy yesterday.  The 4 elements of our universe, water, earth, fire, and air mount continuous frontal attacks that threaten to turn our planet into a replica of its sisters.  Venus is one boiling cauldron emitting sulfuric acid; Mercury is over 800 degrees on one side and minus 280 degrees of frozen matter on the other; Jupiter, almost all gas, hydrogen and helium, with winds traveling 400 mph; then you have Saturn, another ball of gas, radiation, and ice floating around in its rings.  Those rings are created by 1000 mile winds.  This is what our universe delivers.

      If a tree falls in the forest, does it make noise? Of course, there’s noise in space, vibrational static from all the electrical energy.  The universe is a frightening, alien being, yes, being, alive, pulsating with nuclear reactions. In stars these reactions, functioning like an internal combustion engine, light them up for our amusement. Lots of debris flying around out there, some of it very dangerous.  The nuclear reactions inside sun and stars have a hold on galaxies; hold them together.  We’re not going to populate any of the planets in our universe.  There’s talk of Mars, which is closest to Earth, but it’s no picnic.  There’s water, but it’s frozen by minus 80 degrees temperatures. 

      I find the theory of dark matter interesting.  Supposedly dark matter, which is all that is not visible in space i.e. everything that is not planet, stars, comets, etc., and is considered an immeasurable substance, controls the movement of matter like our galaxy, the Milky Way.

      There are millions of galaxies like ours with their own solar systems.  Of course, there is life out there somewhere.  The way Earth was created was nothing extraordinary.  It surely has happened elsewhere, millions of miles from the Milky Way.  Will we ever connect?  Undoubtedly, if we don’t destroy ourselves before. Have you noticed that it’s always assumed the aliens are always light years ahead of us intellectually, and superior to us in every way?.

      These are some of the things we know.  Think of the blind men story of surrounding an elephant each trying to decipher what it is, the major questions have yet to be answered.  What is this gaseous space that planets, stars, comets, etc., populate?  Is it infinite?  Is there something else?  The universe behaves intelligently with regulations, laws.  Why?


Some theories: The universe is infinite.  There are parallel universes where everything is replicated, even you and I.  Sounds awful, doesn’t it?  But plausible and could cast light on the déja vu phenomena.

      Massive structures outside the observable universe are exerting gravitational influence.  No clue as to what those structures could be.

      The string theory posits the universe is a globe surrounded by other parallel globes, comprising a multiverse.  If one of these globes collides with another you have a big bang.

      I read that scientists in Egypt have disproved the big bang theory and we are back to the theory of the universe as infinite, no beginning, no end, always was and always will be.  But the question is, what about Earth?  A nuclear reaction waiting to unfold?