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Sun 11.6.22

My I-Ching oracle for the coming week has chosen the hexagram Ko: Revolution, Molting, to speak to us of the revolution at our door.  A word about this ancient system of divination.  I have used many methods of prophecy, but none replace this ancient Chinese system, which is similar to the code of 0’s and 1’s that generates this page you are reading from.  The I-Ching’s concept is mathematical and has been much studied by scientists.

 I try not to base my journal entries on politics too much because it is a subject too fraught with emotional baggage.  Heavily censored by government, a lot of it is just conjecture.  But the I-Ching wants us to take a look:

A lot of what we think we can fix is absurd.  Yes, there are too many people on the planet.  Yes, we're depleting the planet faster than it can restock itself.  We can't even, country after country, choose leaders who are not corrupt or are shortly corrupted.  There are people like Klaus Schaub and Bill Gates appointing themselves True Masters of the world, (they made all that money, didn’t they?) and their plans sound horrific.  This is where humanity is at.  It can't even create a reasonable system to govern itself, or a reasonable system for apportioning resources.  The latest stupidity, the bombing of the Nord Stream will cause great hardship for the people who need those resources to survive.  The United States, our exhausted superpower on earth, with the help of their subalterns, “the west,” wants to maintain its hegemony by dominating the world’s energy reserves.  (Even Greta has come to understand that this marshaling of resources is not about saving the planet). The planet will take care of itself and will make the necessary changes that we as a species are incapable of.  No one wants to admit how truly insignificant in the grand scheme of things we really are.  We do not rule the planet; it rules us.

Bush Junior placed the country on our present path with his 9/11 impetus.  In the past, the US focused its power, primarily, on making the country dominant, “We shall be as a shining city upon a hill,” said Ronald Reagan.  If, as the United States hopes, it assembles and controls the energy resources of the world, what role do we its US citizens now play?  We have been told through the overwhelming influx of immigrants the President has invited to our country that we are subject to the deadly corona vaccine but they are not.  Our economy is collapsing, yet our President has opened the door to over 5,000,000,000 people, most with few resources.  We are expendable, replaceable.  The whole facade of government is falling apart.  There is no goal for improving the lot of citizens, for enriching the country, for fostering knowledge and creativity.  There’s not even a plan for all the immigrants flooding the country.  If you listen to our president address the people there's no common basis for reality anymore.  We are now truly in the world of 1984 where nothing is ever what it truly is.  Here’s an article that explains the darkness we citizens live under:

Corona virus was never an accident it was planned from the start to unfold as it did.  It is now reported by Epoch News that there is a 500% increase in still-births at a hospital where they are collecting its evidence.  When the vax suspicions began to surface I stated that if it was loaded "they" would go after women of child bearing age . . . then we’ve lost so many athletes.

  There will be a lot of "I was just following orders" from this fiasco.  Those must not be allowed to stand.  I think of all the doctors and nurses who should have treated patients with Covid but did not in favor of pushing the vax.  These people knew from the beginning that the patients needed treatment immediately; they knew from the start the vax could cause harm and shouldn't administer it. Their hippocratic oath is the permission we have given them to practice medicine.  It needs to be upheld.  Think of the people to whom the medical profession pronounced the death sentence by denying them an organ transplant because they refused the vax.

We have to acknowledge and ascertain with proof, that one party overthrew the election in order to gain power over the other.  That's what it came down to.  The dems had no great plans to accomplish, they would have us believe that Trump was some kind malevolent dictator, evil.  This also extended to more than half of the citizenry. We were all evil, Deplorables.  They pitted every group they could think of against each other.  The attorney general, the FBI were deployed against anyone who dared speak up.  That was their plan to maintain power.  We were knowingly poisoned, killed (covid) our resources were taken from us (fossil fuel, bad; wind mills coming  . . someday) they destroyed the economy (with their big spending, their stimulus checks, etc.,) they have also destroyed Europe's economy, and they're edging us toward nuclear war.

This is the burden citizens bring to the voting booth on Tuesday.