

Sun 5.21.23


They have captured Bakhmut.  What does this mean to Americans?  It is not our war, But The Powers that Be, (TPTB) decided back in 2014 that it was of some importance to the US and so then-president Yanukovych was deposed and replaced by Petro Poroshenko who served for five years, lost the election (American interference) and was replaced by television comedian, Zelensky.  Then there is all that nefarious business with Hunter Biden peddling influence racking in millions with Daddy, who was then vice-president  getting his 10% cut.  Suffice it to say Ukraine has had a steamy history. There is an excellent novel by Mikhail Bulgakof, The White Guard, wherein a somewhat free Ukraine is recaptured by the Russian Soviets who are escaping the oligarch in Russia, a true fact.  Made into a play, it was one of Stalin’s favorite.  He enjoyed seeing the oligarchy trammelled.

So Bakhmut.  At some point during Ukraine’s turmoil with the Americans stepping in and replacing the duly elected Yanukovych, Putin saw this plan unfolding in which the US along with the aid of NATO were moving to encircle Russia.  He gave warning, asked that international agreements be upheld -- all ignored.  He waited for the right moment, gathered allies who were not hard to find and struck at Ukraine.

At some time in the past, oligarchs simply took over countries, Hail Britannica! i.e. India, Africa, Australia, but that proved a losing proposition; the United States doesn’t capture and hold countries, they merely establish military bases in the countries once they’ve overcome them; they anoint them allies, but essentially they are vassals.  Example: the US blew up the German/Russian Nord Stream pipeline feeding oil to the Germans without even even informing the Germans, much less seeking permission.  They did so because the Germans were probably not going to go along with Russian sanctions that would deprive them of the needed resource.  If the Germans backed off, then other “allies” might also refuse to uphold sanctions that would hurt their own countries.  So nip this possible rebellion in the bud.

When Donald Trump was elected president, in his initial interview with the New York Times, he pointed out that this business of having bases throughout the world was becoming too expensive, we are going bankrupt.  He attempted to change this situation, but TPTB were not going to allow that.  It was a threat to the power they held in the world.

Putin found allies in all the countries that America, the oligarchy expressly interdicted by its constitution of getting involved in foreign wars, has abused, mistreated, disrespected, the many countries it has attacked.  Russia, China, India, Brazil, etc. are seeking a different approach

All the sanctions imposed on Russia have little to do with the troubles in Ukraine, rather the Ukraine is providing them with the cover to move in on Russia.  Wagner’s General Prigozhin in Bakhmut, told the Ukainians that Bakhmut was becoming a slaughterhouse, they should withdraw their troops.  They didn't, soldiers died in a meat grinder operation and the city is in ruins. 

The west is in its last throes.  This is not what the brics nations, China, Russia are aiming for, not necessarily because their good guys but the western model of world dominance doesn't work and is counterproductive.  Just think of what the world would be like today if all those countries the west crushed were not destroyed, the wars had never happened.  We would all be much better off.  These multipolar seeking countries want to do business with each other and with us so we can all prosper and learn from each other.

This brings us to the I Ching oracle this week about the army (  We are in such turmoil in our own country, how can we possibly prevail against Russia which has the backing of its people who understand that the US and NATO want to rape their country?  It hasn't occurred to the US citizens yet that this could come to their shore.  But its costly when money is tight, and there is no profit for the people in it.  The wise oracle points out where a country’s power lies.  It is with its people.  The elites in this country are abusive of its people and treat them much like they treat “allies.” Groups are pitted one against another.  Parents, children, belief systems, depravity, power grabs, coups.  I remember a different America which was admired by the world, produced great music, literature, film, art.  It had style; one was proud to say, I’m American when travelling abroad.

How appropriate that the fall of Bakhmut happens as the G7 meets in Hiroshima.


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Manhattan Seeress  Cover copy.jpg

Eight o'clock Sunday morning, the police arrive at her apartment in Greenwich Village, "How long have you been living here?" The roommate Elizabeth, after having accepted her half of the deposit money and rent for their new apartment, has called the police. 

New York City doesn’t open its arms to welcome her, but she’s arrived and the adventure of her life is about to unfold.  She’s come from Maine with an invitation from Sarah Lawrence College to participate in the graduate writing program.

How one becomes a seeress is what this memoir explores. Stories have been specifically selected to illustrate, from the sublime to the practical, a spiritual journey introduced in each chapter by an atout, the Tarot’s major archetypes.   From the Fool, to The World, our human journey with its risk and folly unfolds. There is also an artist here alive to her new world seeking inspiration among artists on the Lower East side, learning the ways and foods of her Chinese neighbors, falling in love.